Its generous arrangements give each instrument additional stamps: balalaïka and Russian domra, classical bass guitar and steel string guitar – the opportunity to find their natural place and develop their singular registers suave and attacked, amplified by the double bass.

Over the years, Natacha & Nuits de Princes moved into the maturity of an identifiable group sound, something not so common. Perhaps there must be as much friendship as musicality. A beautiful acoustic string instrument sound that, with Natacha’s simple, enveloping voice, is capable of expressing a tone of tenderness, childhood, melancholy, gravity, then humor and swing but also calm and light. A tone which, I think, is little taken up, seems to me to be in our agitated society, but which, according to the welcome and the public’s visible pleasure, nevertheless corresponds to a deep need.

These five delicate and virtuoso instrumentalists never forget that they owe this playful happiness, certainly to their classical or jazzist formation, but also to this precious source of the Slavic songs of reference, passionately sentimental, made of poignant narratives, celebration of Nature, revolts against heaven, devastating fatalism, candor and nobility, courage and poverty, despair, savagery, poetry, intoxication and infinite sweetness. The Russians remain the most nuanced musicians because for them music is the state of the soul (for me, it is the same).

A melody, an interpretation, a song is the occasion for a serious and complex pleasure, an undeniable happiness, fleeting but consistent. So, what happens during a concert of Natacha & Nights of Princes? Well ! We are here. Quite simply. Present and in love.





