One comes from an Afro-Oriental-Berber tradition while the other comes from a western tradition. Their duo could have simply been an East-meets-West encounter, but that would be underestimating Khalid and Marylene’s desire to explore a wider world and discover new cultures.

SILLAGE’s origins lie in traditions from diverse horizons, a product of the artist’s utmost imagination yielding powerful songs and colourful rhythms. Song boosted by sparkling dialogues and playful onomatopoeias blossoms into unique and delightful music that is at once homogeneous and multifaceted.

The songs are about Mother-Earth, the loving soul, joy, humor, nostalgia, tenderness. A true invitation to travel, SILLAGE opens up to a multicultural and poetic space, chanting tales on here and there, now and ever, life and togetherness.





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